Well, How Neat!

>> 12.02.2009

Lindsey at Memoirs of a Housewife gave me this award... and that makes me feel quite special:

I must admit... I am not entirely sure I understand the rules of this game, but I'm going to try! Thank you so very much, Lindsey!

Okay. Let me do my best to follow along.

The Rules:

Share 7 things that you don't already know about me.
Name 7 other blogs to receive this award.
Leave a comment on each of the blogs I nominated.
Thank the person who gave you the award.

So. My 7 things (which you may or may not know about me; I am pretty much an open book so you may have heard it all before):

1. I conceived my child approximately 3 months after getting married- after two days off the pill... while (more than likely) using protection- can you say potent much?! Liam's due date was the day before our first wedding anniversary and I did not know I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks along. Liam is the absolute definition of SURPRISE!!

2. This weekend, my husband:

Met.. my ex-boyfriend:

Need I say more? Okay, one word more: AWKWARD! But... only for me. They had the nerve to LIKE EACH OTHER! [P.s.- they met when Scott came to our house and did some electrical work for us because he is wow... with a side of awesome. Truly.]

3. I attended private, Christian school from pre-k to 12th grade- plaid skirts, knee highs, school-girl stereotypes and all. Furthermore, I attended approximately 12 different private schools during my education for various reasons. [It should be mentioned that I am, in fact, NOT planning on ever sending any of my children to private school unless they specifically ask for it... however, I am most likely going to homeschool... and some would argue that might be worse. Ha, ha.]

4. My mother is Italian... and I HATE tomatoes. She thinks I was switched at birth.

5. My hair has been [1] Maroon [2] Blue [3] Purple [4] Green [5] Fire Red and [6] Black. I cycle through according to my mood. Maybe some new choices are in order?

6. I will be graduating with my B.A. in English in a couple of weeks. *FINGERS CROSSED* I started out as an Early Childhood Education major and switched it the semester I would have started student teaching- yeah, really. I hope to one day get my Master's in Library Sciences because books... are my refuge.

7. Ryan and I have matching tattoos:Agape is a Greek word for love: divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love. There is a story behind the tatoo... it's meaning... and why we have them etched forever on our wrists, but I will save that for another day.

Next- 7 other blogs:

1. That's My Baby. The title of Julia's blog is pretty catchy, don't ya think? We became fast friends at babyfit.com (an amazing resource by the way). Her precious little girl is going to be coming soon and I am excited!

2. A Bitty Blog. [Another catchy title- I am sort of jealous of this title creativity that I apparently didn't get!] Gretchen is the mom of another adorable preemie boy. She just posted some great "Then and Now" shots. I can't get over how much her son has changed! I am so looking forward to Liam's own comparison shots. One day....

3. The Peanut Blog. Becky is another great mom of another sweet preemie boy. And her blog also gives me something to look forward to! [Plus another great title!]

4. Kingz- (Apparently I am a preemie blog whore.) Elisa is a gorgeous little girl right about Liam's age (both actual and adjusted). While I would never wish this experience on anyone.. it is certainly comforting to be able to find other's going through something similiar.

5. Green and Crafty- someone else with a skill I envy. Tristan's crafting skills are pretty much amazing.

6. Mommy Lawyer -another lovely babyfit friend, and a home-school mama! I hope I will be able to get some good tips.

7. The Woodwards- another new blogging friend, Meghan, with an adorable little girl and a baby on the way!

And then.... another big, fat thank you to Lindsey- who chose me. :)
How fun! Who's next?


Angela December 3, 2009 at 11:33 AM  

Oh, thank you! And what a surprise. I was going to leave a comment about your thoughts on homeschooling one day... and I kept on reading!

About homeschooling... you know, if you homeschool, Liam will be in a VERY exclusive school! Mine isn't as exclusive as it used to be... I'll have 4 students before too long!!! :)

Julia December 3, 2009 at 2:00 PM  

First, You are awesome TRULY and you are a "Kreativ blogger" I wish I would have thought to use quotes like you at the top of each post because #1 I love quotes and #2 well its pretty neat. I wish I could blog better, but I unlike you do not like to share true feelings with people I know... Weird I would blog them to the world, but hide them from my friends and family... But then again I am weird LOL
Second, I wish I could meet you in real life because I think you are a very well rounded person. You are intellegent, spiritual in a non condescending way, and unique. I know I dont really know you, but you seem to follow your heart and are not ashamed of who you are! I love that!!! You seem so fun loving and also very caring. You seem like an awesome person.
(Now fit your head through the door LOL)
Last, thanks for the nomination! I will try to be a better blogger, I know when my baby comes I will try to share more because I want her to read this some day (And maybe some day I will make my blog "Ponderings of a Wondering Mind" public...)

Tristan! December 3, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

Hey! Thanks for the nomination! lol I love reading your blog and finding out more about you and your family. We didn't talk enough in Environmental Writing!

MeWoodward December 3, 2009 at 6:17 PM  

Thank you soo much. I will be doing this shortly I guess :)

I think #1 will be fun for him.. well it would be for me; to tease you about, being born so soon after you got married. (I hope that makes sense and isn't insulting... cause it isn't meant to be)

Laura December 4, 2009 at 5:37 PM  

Just read through some of your posts after not stopping by for awhile- sorry about that- I hate life in the NICU too! Anyhow, glad to hear all the great news on Liam- he sound slike he is doing great!!! In terms of your milk supply, have you been able to kangeroo him at all? I find that it has helped me a lot. It is a pain to get "set up" with all the wires, etc. but it is so worth it!!! The nurses should be able to help you and should encourage it.
The other thing on the milk is that you can't beat yourself up about it since it is out of your control. My lactation "coach" in the NICU compared it to her near-blindness w/o glasses. She wouldn't guilt herself over not being able to see so why would I beat myself up over not being able to produce more milk. Makes a lot of sense to me. I made the decision to give up the "struggle" with my own dwindling supply, had decided to wean myself off the pump, and then- voila- the milk increased on its own!! We are still having to supplement w/ formula but is has gotten a lot better since I stopped obsessing over it.

Just my 2 cents! Good luck- I am continuing to think about you and Liam...

Laura (Lammy09 from BF), mommy to preemie Stephen

Becky December 7, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

Hi! I got a little too caught up this weekend to post my award, but thank you! I love your quotes on your posts!

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