Hold Me Close
>> 2.03.2010
Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
For the first 65 days of his life, Liam was touched on a schedule. This breaks my heart into a million pieces every time I think about it... so I try not to think about it too often. I know that it was "for his own good." I know that they say his underdeveloped nervous system could not handle too much stimulation, and, as the nurses reminded us constantly, I know that he would not have been touched at all had he still be in the womb. However, something must be said for the difference between being cradled in the warm waters of the womb verses rolled up blankets in a boxy isolette, further punctuated by the frequent cold, clinical touch of the medical staff, poking and prodding and stabbing him with needles.
...like I said... a million pieces.
This is where my absolute-most-favorite-baby-product-ever-in-the-entire-world-hands-down comes in.Mine is called The Ultimate Baby Wrap by Parents of Invention. I got it on sale for about 25 dollars (including shipping) from BabiesRUs. And it is pretty much the most amazing 25 dollars I have ever spent. I wish I had been crafty enough to make my own, but alas... not yet- soon though... very soon!
Because of Liam's little windpipe.. we have to watch that his chin does not rest on his chest; it could very well cut off his ability to breathe and so.. a sling would not be a very good idea. In fact, I did not think I would be able to use even this wrap until Liam got to be a bit bigger but I found this video which gave instructions on a hold that is great for preemies because they are lying almost vertically and it supports their head. Liam has been spending copious amounts of time in his wrap ever since.
It calms him down almost instantaneously.. and as I walk around he often settles into a bizarre position that I can only assume he found comfortable in utero. If I do not want curious eyes (and the filthy hands that come with them) peering in at him, I simply pull the fabric together and he is protected. He is close to my heart, a place he did not get to be for long enough.. and we get some serious snuggling in.
My time to have him all to myself was cut too short and it will not be long before Liam is wiggling out of my arms, eager to explore the world.. so I am soaking this in. Enjoying every moment he spends in my arms. I think I can officially be labeled a baby-wearing mama.
this is so lovely! i'm thrilled for you that your little guys is home and doing so well. and i think that babywearing, especially for babies born early, is a wonderful practice. i've worn my poppy girl around everywhere since her birth - in fact i can't ever remember a time i've dragged her around anywhere in a carseat. i really do think it has helped her become calm and secure with traveling, and in general - she's the most content, sweet little lady, and everywhere we go people comment on how happy and relaxed she is...
good for you on finding a wearing solution that works for you and liam! he will thank you for it with a great attitude and endless cuddles! :D
Awe.. he looks so darn comfy in that wrap. I took Clara out for a walk in the sling for the first time (she's three weeks old) and I thought I might be cutting of her breathing. I guess that's how she was in the womb, but I felt like she was so uncomfortable in it. She fell asleep though. I love reading your posts.
Yeah for babywearing. Its one of my regrets postpartum that I didn't use my moby more. NEXT ONE! We own an ergo now and its fantastic!! I'm happy you are getting awesome cuddles.
WONDERFUL! I wore Greyson just like that for a long time. It is the most wonderful way to carry your baby. Liam looks so cozy in there next to his mama!
You and Liam look so relaxed and happy. I'm so glad you found something that operates perfectly for both of you. Snuggling works such wonders.
i bought a homemade one on ebay... Audrey loves it too!
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