Keeping It Clean
>> 2.26.2010
Bath night.
There are so many things I could say.. but I think I will let the images (and Liam's expressions) speak for themselves.
Bath night.
There are so many things I could say.. but I think I will let the images (and Liam's expressions) speak for themselves.
These were provided by Lindsey and Toni at Memoirs of a Housewife and Carrigan's Joy respectively. Gah. I am a terrible and ungrateful blogging buddy. I am so sorry, ladies. I really do appreciate the consideration. I just forget to pause, take a breath, and follow through.
So, here I am following through. (Please excuse the lack of fun, exciting pictures in this post--I'm at work. No photo stash. Le sigh.)
- The rules for the Beautiful Blogger Award are to share 7 interesting things about myself and nominate 7 bloggers.
-The rules for the Lemonade Stand Award is simply to nominate 10 blogs with great "attitude and gratitude."
-The rules for this newest Sunshine Award is to list 6 things I love and 6 blogs I love....
So, I am going to throw all of that in a pot and stir up 6 things I love, 7 interesting things about myself and 9 blogs/bloggers I love (3 for each award).
Here we go!
6 Things I Love
[I am sticking to actual physical things here because if we get into people or places... we could be here all day]:
1. Books. [Books, books, books, books, books] That is books six times over.. and if it wouldn't be cheating I might just leave it at that because I love books so very much. I do.
2. Coffee.[ okay, you get the picture]. Yes, I am a coffee addict.
3. Baby feet. More specifically Liam feet. I nibble them often and they are delicious.
4. My engagement ring. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever owned. I have been wearing it since June of 2008 and I still look at it daily and smile.
5. Candles. I am a candle junkie! Seriously. We have 28 candles in our bedroom alone. (Really.. I just counted.) I love how simple candle-light turns the ordinary into something romantic and exciting. And they are pretty. And they smell good.
6. The (infamous) Baby Wrap. I know I have already dedicated an entire post to my baby wrap and how happy it makes me.. but.. really.. it is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me mommy-related. It gives me butterflies.
7 interesting things (this is tough; I am boring):
1. Ryan and I have a "bucket- list" that we created not even a month after we met. We have done several things on the list... including going to Chicago so that Ryan could propose to me in front of the Newberry Library (it was written down as a big question mark-- yep, he claims to have already known then).
2. For a little over 2 years I lived in a pool house the size of a large closet.. jam packed with awesome IKEA furniture. For free.
3. Ryan and I got married, bought a house and had a baby all within 10 months. I also graduated from college during that time. And as you know.. it wasn't your typical baby-having experience.. so I think that's pretty interesting. Well, it was interesting for me.
4. I memorized an entire book of the Bible in the 7th grade. I was the only one who did not pick a one page book. Go me.
5. A project I did my Sophomore year in college is now part of the course description in that class. Yeah.. I'm awesome.
6. I've been blogging since I was 15. All my various blogs are still active. I have no earthly idea how I come up with that much to say.
7. My name is misspelled on my college diploma.. because for the first 20 years of my life.. I was misspelling my middle name. True Story.
9 blogs I love:
For the Beautiful Blogger Award.
Okay.. so... I love reading these blogs! I mean, really love it. These women are funny and uplifting and their posts are often exploding at the seams with adorable. They are definitely beautiful bloggers.
1. Gretchen at A Bitty Blog (Devin is possibly the cutest little boy on the planet aside from Liam. Seriously.)
2. Lindsey at Memoirs of a Housewife (Hunter is here! She is beautiful. Go meet her.)
3. Emily at The Last Train to Pooksville (Check out her blog. Now. I mean it. You will not be sorry.)
For the Lemonade Stand Award
1. That's My Baby (Julia is taking a little break, but she will be back! She better!)
2. Green Leaf Baby (So, this kid? This kid right here? He will steal your heart.)
3. Blue Ridge Baby (One word: precious.)
(Three precious babies-- three awesome blogs! Heh, heh.. I couldn't resist!)
For the Sunshine Award.. because reading these blogs about thriving preemie boys make me so happy!
1. Our Little Birds
2. The Peanut Blog
3. Multiple Miracles from Above
So, I know I sort of twisted the rules but.. what are rules for, if not for breaking [um.. unless you are Liam Eliot- in which case, rules are rules for a reason, bub.]
Now, I am all caught up with my blogger award posts. Whew.
p.s.- I am supposed to go around and tell everyone that they have gotten an award on my site but... I am lazy. So.. I am just chucking this rule out all together. Yeah, I'm a rebel.
A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live.
Bertrand Russel
Ryan is a writer. I am a reader.
Needless to say, we value the quiet.
Our home is a peaceful one. And this is largely due to the absence of one small, generally accepted element of most households: cable television.
We do have a television set and will often watch movies or a series on DVD (my current obsession: Dexter) but unless we are purposefully watching something, our television is not on. I do not see television as evil, only... unnecessary. Liam will be allowed to watch things from time to time, but I do not see it being a large part of his life. There are much more interesting things to do.
I often listen to music or NPR but these are both lacking in the quick transitions and constant chatter found in commercials and many programs. Ryan and I are quite comfortable with silence... and can often sit with each other quietly for extended periods of time; each of us lost in our own thoughts or activities.
The calmness of our home is often commented on; particularly those who are used to the television playing constantly in the background. What is funny to me is that it is often viewed negatively. "Your house is so QUIET," they will say. Or my personal favorite: "If you don't have television... what do you DO?!"
Well, as I previously stated, we will often watch a movie together (we are Netflix junkies). But we also read. And talk. And have people over. And go out. There is laundry to be done and dinner to be cooked and floors to be swept. We play with our dog(s). We spend time with our baby. I am sure as Liam gets older, his antics will be plenty entertaining. Often, it feels like there are not enough hours in the day for all that we do and I find myself wondering exactly how people have any time to watch television at all!
The more I see of man, the more I like dogs.
Mme. de Staƫl
I am a dog person-- always have been, always will be.
However, Fezzik the Great, our beloved schnoodle, is not your typical dog. He reminds me more of a cat: only having any use for you when he needs something.....whether it be food, water, a walk, food, a belly rub, toys, food, treats, a potty break, food...
We accept him for who he is and, in return, he allows us to remain in his good graces. He can be very sweet and playful when he wants to be and we really do love him a lot.. but I have missed the undying affection and sweet cuddles of your more typical pooch.
Enter Marlo:
This weekend we headed to Target to pick up a few things for Liam's nursery. As we passed Petsmart, I suddenly remembered it was Saturday: adoption day. I asked Ryan to stop..... "just to look, you know..."
We have actually been open to the idea of another dog for awhile, after hearing repeatedly that two dogs are easier than one. *ahem* Excuse me, I had been open to the idea of another dog for awhile.. Ryan... took a bit more convincing. But, he had been won over and we have stopped numerous times before "just to look" and actually did just look.
Now.. I believe in love at first sight.
We stopped at the first dog in the row of pens and began chatting with the volunteer, when a shaggy little pup in the next pen over caught my eye. A female terrier mix named Dana. While petting her, we heard what a lover she was-- every staff member who walked by had something wonderful to say. Having worked as a volunteer at an animal shelter, I know that when doing off-site adoptions, your goal is not to sell the dog to whoever happens to walk by throwing an, "Awwwwww.." over their shoulder. Spontaneous adoptions rarely stick. You want the potential owner to know what they are getting themselves into. You want them to make an informed decision-- not fall hard for a dog, get it home and realize *gasp* it is actual work.. and *sigh* the dog is not perfect. So hearing all the great things the staff had to say really meant something.
I looked at Ryan.
I gave him the lip.
We got an information sheet.
After a few more minutes, I asked if we could take home an adoption form.. just in case. And the next thing I know, we are filling it out, arranging a meet and greet for Fezzik... and trying to decide on a new name. I mean.. Dana... really?
Fezzik and Dana hit it off much better than I even expected. Fezzik is very particular about his friends and can be kind of a grouch, but he tolerated Dana in his aloof way...paying no mind as she frolicked in front of him and even allowing her the honor of being marked as his territory as he gracefully peed on her ear. So.. we arranged to pick her up the next day.
She seems to be settling in quite nicely.
We have named her Marlo.. but are still working on the middle name (Marlo Kimber? Kinsley? Annabelle? What do you think?)
She and Fezzik have had only one little spat in which Fezzik oh, so gently reminded her who is boss around here. She sleeps beautifully on her bed and seems to only need a slight refresher course in potty-training. She is very interested in Liam; greeting him the first time with a great big smooch. (Fezzik generally ignores our furless puppy.) She loves to be outside. She is quite playful, sweet and curious. She just makes you feel happy inside.
Welcome to the family, Marlo!
It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!
Mark Twain
What a beautiful day! Warm enough to make you earn for spring:: warm enough for Liam's first outdoor adventure. We only ventured into the front yard-- baby steps, you know. Liam has taken many walks in his stroller, but generally snoozed through the whole thing.. and has never really met the earth, you know?
It will not be long before he is well-acquainted; having tasted it, dug in it, ground it into open wounds. I hope they will be the greatest of friends.
But today they were introduced gently.
After a few brief moments of alien space monkey fussing which I believe meant something along the lines of, "What is the meaning of this woman?! You dare to Put. Me. Down!" Liam really seemed to settle into the out of doors. He took in all the new sensations with wide-eyed wonder and was quite patient as his Mama snapped a few (okay.. perhaps about 173) pictures. I just could not help it. He was looking mighty cute. I will spare you the redundancy.. but here are a few:
We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to Planet Earth.
Brad Steiger
Just in case you were beginning to think that life with Liam is all unicorns and sunshine...... don't.
We get plenty of this:
Followed promptly by this:
And a little bit of this:
Yes.. as evident in these photographs, we do, in fact, torture the child. Look at that little fist raised in indignation. Sigh. Honestly.. if the kid wasn't so darn cute I'm not sure we would put up with his nonsense. Score one for natural selection.. or you know, whatever it is in science that makes us want to take care of cute little things that squeak.
I am beginning to think that living with an infant is much like living with royalty... from another planet. They have strange customs, they do not speak your language, and they expect to be waited on hand and foot. And I'm sorry [MOM] but Liam did enter this world looking slightly like... a monkey from outer space. Let's just be honest here.
I find further proof in Liam's attempts to communicate: hands waving aimlessly in front of his face, punctuated with shrill shrieks, clicks, grunts, and an occasional coo. The coos are my favorite. But.. slightly space monkey-ish. I'm just saying.
Ah, well.. life with the prince of the space apes isn't so bad. I'll take it.
And one for the road:
Blues means what milk does to a baby.
Alberta Hunter
I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.
Author Unknown
There is a good chance that Valentine's Day was created solely for my entertainment. I am wild for all things cheesy.. and, let's face it, Valentine's Day is one of the cheesiest.
Cheesy.. but, oh, so fun.
Today, Ryan and I celebrated with pink frosted cinnamon twists and cuddles watching Netflix in bed until 1:00 p.m. (with baby and puppy to complete the love-fest, of course). It was the perfect day.
However, last night my sweet valentine surprised me with a dinner cruise on the Southern Belle. We got all dressed up, Ryan's parents lovingly came to watch the wee one, and we had a grand time! I have never been on a dinner cruise before... It was quite an experience: It was a lovely time. The boat was pretty, the views were spectacular, the food was amazing, and the company was entertaining. It was a generally fantastic evening--- deserving of many positive adjectives... and containing just the right amount of cheese.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
The Wonder Years
To appease the masses (aka my mother) we have decided to start releasing a monthly photostream at the end of every month including all the snapshots of Liam we have taken in the preceding weeks.
I hope this will turn into a neat way of updating our family and friends on both Liam's progress and the goings-on of our family each month.
I threw together one for January. It is pretty rough and only includes 17 pictures but.. it gets the job done.
Check it out.
Following slideshows will hopefully be much more sophisticated.. and will certainly include more photographs, but you have to start somewhere!
[And to answer your question: Hell, YES-- we will be whipping out that last picture when Liam heads to prom. I mean, what kind of parents would we be?!] the newest member of our family.
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